Friday, July 25, 2014

Venice day 2

So day number 2 in Venice was perfect. Literally. It was a perfect day! We woke up and decided that today would be the day we found other means of transportation besides walking. Yesterday's discoveries on foot were amazing, but we had certain places to see and we felt the water taxis were necessary in Venice. It worked out perfectly because not only did we arrive to our destinations without getting lost, but also we had an amazing view of the sea at the same time. Today was sunny with not a cloud in the sky and the only thing keeping us from jumping in the water was our desire to see the rest of Venice. So as we restrained ourselves from jumping off the boat, we were able to make it to Piazza San Marco square and enjoyed a nice lunch overlooking the water. After wandering through the various street vendors, we arrived in the main area where we could see some of Venice's most famous monuments. Among them was the Basillica cathedral where we were able to look inside for free. After easily passing hours in the square, we took a long boat ride to the island of Burano. It took about an hour to get there, and we weren't able to stay long, but it was totally worth the trip. The island is a burst of color with every building having it's own spectrum of the rainbow. We were having such an amazing day that we felt it was necessary to top it off with a dinner on the Grand Canal. It was such a fun day and we don't want it to end, but we leave tomorrow morning for more of Italy. Ciao!!

- Sarah and Ruby

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