Thursday, July 24, 2014

The City That Stole My Heart: Venice

Heyo blog readers!
My, what an adventurous day Sarah and I had today. It all started with a little night train from Vienna to Venice. See, with our Eurail passes, there are certain trains that you don't have to reserve seats for (this train being one of them). Funny thing is that this train was full, and they didn't have any seats for us. But did we let that stop us? Heck no. Sarah and I (along with a handful of other young travelers) took to the train corridors with our pillows and blankets. That is how we spent last night... Sleeping in the train hallway. After a night full of rest (yeah lol not), we finally made it to Venice. I literally felt my eyes widen as they tried to take in all the beautiful sights that Venice had to offer. Every building was a masterpiece, and the grand canal was breathtaking. Antsy from our long (and cramped) train ride, Sarah and I took to the streets and wandered. I actually had to physically restrain myself from entering every shop that sold those beautiful handmade Venetian masks. I think I have a new obsession. The streets curved and spiraled, and with every new corner, our sense of direction faded. Getting lost in Venice is an amazing experience though. When you don't have any time commitments or places to be, you just lose yourself among the buildings and the vendors. You would be glad to learn that Sarah and I joined the ranks of the Europeans today when we were caught in a rain storm and were forced to buy umbrellas. I swear I saw a couple flickers of approval in the eyes of the locals. Instead of being those typical Americans decked out in plastic rain ponchos, we became sophisticated members of a higher class of society. There is something about a city as beautiful as Venice when it is caught in the rain. The city seems to brighten as if all the grime is being washed away. Of course, we could not come to Italy without eating pizza, and we stopped for a quick lunch break. Holy moly that was good pizza. We decided that an early dinner was in order, but we quickly learned that the Venetian restaurants do not open for dinner until 7. So, in my attempt to "stick it to the man," I enjoyed two scoops of gelato for dinner. Our thirst for adventure was not yet quenched, but we easily found a remedy: an awe inspiring gondola ride. This was my first time, but I can promise you all that it will not be my last! Seeing the city from that different angle is definitely worth every Euro spent. If my future husband is reading this, you can expect a trip to Venice in our future. We have a big day planned tomorrow, and we better get our rest! Oh, and one more thing: we came across and American family today that lost a little girl named Kate. We don't know if her family has found her yet (although we are hoping for the best), and it would be wonderful if you could keep her in your prayers tonight. We hope Kate is reunited with her family safe and sound.
Love and miss you all!!

- Sarah and Ruby

Location:Viale Antonio Paolucci,Mestre,Italy

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