Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Paris Part Deux

Yo yo my loyal blog readers. Are you ever sick of being in control or knowing where you are going? Well Sarah and I have a cure that is sure to work: try using the metro or train stations in France. We decided to take a day trip to Versailles, and we managed to turn a supposed 30 min trip into a 3 hour fiasco. No information desks were open, and all the locals seemed to think Versailles was in a different place every time we asked. We were starting to question the worth of this day trip, but those thoughts instantly vanished when we got our first glimpse of the Chateau de Versailles. The song All Gold Everything came to mind as we gazed upon the lavish palace. Everything from the gates, the walls, and even furniture had gold embedded somewhere in it. As we toured the rooms, the splendor and extravagance never ceased to awe us. We took our time wandering through the gorgeous royal garden, and let me tell you, the views were stunning. Once we returned to the apartment and took a brief nap (something we rightfully deserved), we were ready to get back out there. This time Sarah and I had no trouble navigating the metro, and we made it to Paris successfully on the first attempt (no judging). As we were waking to the Eiffel Tower, we came across a group of street performers that danced to everything from Single Ladies to Gangnam Style. It was entertaining to say the least. Then we grabbed a basket of fries and plopped down on a bench. There's something about having the Eiffel Tower as your background that makes fries taste a 100 times better. I have a little tidbit of advice for any boys or husbands reading this blog. If you want to impress a girl, there is one easy way to do it. Take her to Paris, wait until the sun goes down, buy her an ice cream, and watch the Eiffel Tower light up. It's Ruby and Sarah tested and approved. The view is actually breathtaking. The beautiful weather and delicious ice cream certainly didn't hurt either. We made our way back to our apartment (once again, on the first attempt), and we even helped someone on the metro get directions to their destination. Just goes to show that the young grasshopper really can become the wise master. Well, it's off to bed for the both of us. Our last day in Paris is tomorrow, and we have to make it count! Au revoir!

- Sarah and Ruby


  1. From grasshopper to master in just one day is pretty impressive! I hope the boys out there will take your sage advice about romance. It's works in older women as well, hint hint.

  2. Sounds amazing ruby!!! I love you and I love reading your blog!!! Can't wait to read about the next city!! <3
