Thursday, July 17, 2014

Paris Day 3: Anything Could Happen

Hello fellow blog followers, I can't believe we are already done with our second city! Paris truly is beautiful beyond its major attractions. Since we had a third day in the city, we were able to be more flexible with our schedule. Ruby and I soon realized that a song to describe today was "Anything Could Happen" because the day was up in the air for whatever we stumbled upon. We started the day off at Notre Dame and were in awe with the cathedral. The only vision I had of it was from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame and I am here to say that no, we didn't stumble upon any pick-pocketing gipsies, but yes, the area still holds a magically spiritual feeling. The cathedral was open for all visitors and we entered the embellished walls along with hundreds of other travelers. Candles lit in memory of loved ones surrounded the historic walls and it immediately dropped to a whisper as everyone felt the place coming to life. After leaving the cathedral, we walked around the town to get a feel for the city life and ate lunch on a bench overlooking the beautiful site. After such an amazing afternoon, things took a turn for the worst (only slightly, but I will make it more dramatic for a good read!). We traveled all the way towards the Catacombs of Paris and were shocked to find out that a small tourist attraction could somehow prohibit us from even seeing the catacombs the entire day. With our spirits slightly crushed, we last minute hopped on the metro towards St. Michel and hoped for the best. Honestly, we had no idea what we were looking for and ended up in the garden of a museum without even knowing it. Somehow that happens a lot in Europe. One minute you are walking down a street full of shops and then the next minute you realize there is some large, historic castle right in front of your eyes. So yeah, we kind of just walked into what we soon found out was the National Museum of Middle Ages and spent a few hours learning about art and such. Since we are typical girls, our usual walking around the town turned into a small shopping trip. Talk about turning our day around- who needs dead people in tombs when you can have dead people's art followed by shopping!! So basically, we had regained our excitement and it was topped off after (yet again) stumbling upon the Luxembourg Gardens (where we literally stopped to smell the roses). It was a perfectly sunny day, so we chilled with our feet dangling in the pond and watched all of the young foreign kids playing with sailboats. We finally made it back to the apartment where my dad took us out to dinner (and was shocked to see how hungry us busy girls were!). Now, we enjoy our last night of Paris and get to bed early for that bright and early train in the morning! (We really should have rethought the whole 7 am trains...) Au Revoir Paris!

- Sarah and Ruby

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