Saturday, July 26, 2014

The series of unfortunate events.. Except for the last one

Hi blog readers!
Let me begin by saying that this post will feature mostly my complaints and laminations about today. It all started with our train from Venice to Rome. As if leaving Venice wasn't hard enough, Sarah and I had to endure a frightful experience on the train. Let me set the seen for you guys: picture me innocently reading on my kindle in the aisle seat of a moving train. Now picture a man running down the hallway of said train, projectile vomiting on everything in sight. I cannot thank God enough for sparing me and Sarah from the spray, but not everyone was so lucky. One poor girl got it in her hair *insert shudder*. So, that was a great way to start the day. It gets better from here...not. We made it to our youth hostel, but our journey included a 30 min wait at the bus stop, a 20 min hike up a road with our backpacks, and a 30 min wait in the reception line in the rain. Well, turns out our hostel was a tad bit sketchier than Sarah and I were comfortable with. So, in an effort to regain some sanity, we decided to find a different hostel. Well, you might be thinking: hey, problem solved. Wrong again. We had to make another 20 min journey up another hill and wait another 45 min for the next bus. This time the rain was gone, but the sun was unforgiving. At last we made it to our new (not sketchy) hostel, and collapsed into bed for a much needed hour nap. The only thing that got us out of bed was the promise of the Bastille concert, only a few short hours away. We decided to take a cab (having had enough walking for today... And a lifetime), and we instantly knew that we made the right decision. Our feet were especially happy. The concert was 50 shades of perfection. We had a great view of the band, and Bastille did an incredible job. It made us completely forget about our awful day! We owe you one Bastille! Now, we are back at the hostel chugging down a liter of coca-cola and getting ready for bed. It was a perfect night!
Love and miss you all!

- Sarah and Ruby

Location:Piazzale Prenestino,Rome,Italy

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