Sunday, July 20, 2014

Prague Day 1!! Song of the day: heat wave

Sup my fellow blog readers! We really should rethink our whole early train ride thing. Waking up that early and carrying the backpack in the extreme heat is really getting to us! After a 7 hour train ride (it should have been 5 hours) we finally arrived in Prague. Let me tell you, the traveling by train part is probably the hardest part of being in Europe. Each country had its own system, and once we get the hang of one, we move on to the other. Once we finally arrived in Prague, we had an authentic meal at an authentic restaurant. The food was amazing, and we even had the waiter take our picture. We got to Prague so late today that we only had time for dinner and what Austin and Ben called "an amazing night on the town." The city really is a beautiful place, and it seems to be an incredibly fun place for the young. We took it easy today, but tomorrow we are preparing for a tour and major sightseeing. We love and miss you all!

- Sarah and Ruby

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