Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 2 in London!

Heyo blogger pals. Today was not as jam packed with sightseeing as yesterday, but it was just as beautiful and incredible. We took the train to Central London again and grabbed lunch at an Italian place on the south bank by the Thames river. After that, Sarah, Katherine, Elena, and I walked to the Globe theatre. For those folks that don't know what that is... Think Shakespeare. We crossed over the Thames river on the London Bridge and ended up in the more city-like part of town. We went to St. Paul's Cathedral and selfied up a storm. A lady walked by and noticed our struggle to fit everyone (while still looking somewhat decent instead of deranged) and offered to take the group shot that's posted below. We continued walking and soaking in the city. Then the most beautiful thing happened: we passed by the school that Daniel Radcliffe went to. Of course Sarah and I had to take a picture (notice the pure joy in the pic below). As if that wasn't enough excitement, we walked back across the river, but this time we used the Millennium Bridge (also known as the bridge featured in the 7th Harry Potter movie). We made our way back to Sarah's aunt and grandma and decided to have a spot of afternoon tea (there ya go papa limb). We went to a place right across Covent Garden, and we explored the market that was located there. Tired from the day of walking, we headed back to the hotel, but not before stopping and getting handfuls of British chocolate (thanks again Elena and Katherine!). Once we returned, Sarah and I split an order of fish and chips for dinner (we are officially British now). I also can't forget to mention the new British words Sarah and I learned today: posh means fancy or elaborate, feek is when someone is extremely attractive, and camp is when someone is really happy and flamboyant. Now trying using each one in a sentence tomorrow, but you can't forget the accent. Saying bye to the Limb family was really hard. We are so thankful for all that they did for us on this trip. Sarah loved seeing her beautiful family once again, and I was floored by how much I fell in love with them after only 2 days. We will meet again Limb family!! Tomorrow we head to Paris and meet up with papa Limb, and a new chapter of the adventure begins.

- Sarah and Ruby

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