Saturday, July 19, 2014

Song of the Day: A Thousand Miles (read on to find out why!)

To our loyal followers: Today was probably the longest day of the trip (at least it felt that way). Sarah and I awoke in Paris at 4 45 a.m feeling refreshed and ready to go (you didn't actually believe that did you? We had to drag ourselves out of bed.) Then came the most exciting part of the day: the 6 hour train ride to Munich. Once again, I hope my sarcasm was evident. Do you want to know what if feels like to backpack from the train station to the youth hostel? Well, I'll give you an idea. Strap a bag of bricks to your back, run your feet over with a car, and then make sure the sun is up at it's hottest point. There you go. That might have been a slight exaggeration, but it paints a picture. Once we dropped off our bags at the hostel, we decided to head into Marienplatz, the center of the city. I love Munich so much because one moment you are walking by an H&M, and the next, you are standing in front of a beautiful historic building. It's literally a mishmash of modern and ancient. Frau Barner (Janie to a few) advised us to go the the Beer Garden in the middle of the English Gardens, and really, when does anybody ignore Janie's advice? The smart thing to do would have been to take the subway there, but like the naive tourists we are, we decided to walk. And walk. And walk. Realize we are going in the wrong direction. Turn around. And walk again. The food was really good though, and the garden was alive with people. Some people were even swimming in the rushing river that flowed by (you can kind of see the people in the background of our beautiful selfie). You'd think that since we got to the English Gardens we could get back right? Wrong. We added on a couple of miles to our return journey (due to our numerous mistakes), but we did make it back to the Marienplatz in one piece. We finished off the night with milkshakes and a gorgeous view (little hard to see it in the picture). I just have one more comment to add to tonight's blog. Sarah and I have been seeing a crazy amount of cute babies and little children in Europe. So whatever the Europeans are doing must be working. Good night from Munich! 

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