Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Guten Abend blog readers,
If you can't tell by now, our traveling routine has basically been established: wake up unnaturally early, endure another train ride, and then get lost on the way to the youth hostel. Our first day in Vienna was no exception. I would like to give a brief shout out to Janie Barner for being such an incredible German teacher. She gave me the confidence to approach others in the street and ask for directions in their native tongue. I know she isn't reading this, but if she felt any warm fuzzy feelings today, that was me sending out a huge thank you. Since luck seems to follow us everywhere (...I wish), the second we decided to leave the hostel, the rain gods decided to have some fun with us. It was actually a learning experience because we quickly learned that Europeans don't think too highly of raincoats. As if Sarah and I didn't look touristy enough squinting at every street sign, add in the raincoats among a sea of European umbrellas, and we might as well have had a neon sign pointing at us stating: "Ignorant Americans. 1 Euro per mocking stare." At least we would have gotten paid that way. In our effort to escape the rain, we stumbled upon a modern art museum that was free for students. Let me tell you something, modern art makes no sense to me. Half the stuff looked like broken furniture, and the other half looked a 3rd graders pottery project. Maybe it's above my intellectually level, but man some of that stuff was down right ugly. After our dinner, we thought it was best to return to the hostel to rest up. Tomorrow we will be taking a walking tour early in the morning, and then we have a night train to Venice.
Love and miss you all!

-Sarah and Ruby

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