Saturday, July 19, 2014

Last day in Munich

Hello all, today was our last day in Munich and was very bittersweet! We started off the day by sleeping in (aka not getting up at the crack of dawn) and setting off to a nearby palace, called Nyphenburg. Overconfident with our ability to navigate the train system, we thought, how hard could the tram system be? That was very poor judgment on our part. Of course, we hop on the tram and slowly realize we are heading the other way than the castle. However, for the first time ever, this mistake happened to be the best thing that could've happened to us. Why do I say that? Because once we looked out the window, we saw the Munich gay pride parade taking place on that very street. We immediately hopped off the tram and joined in on the festivities. Float after float crawled by overflowing with people and loud music. There were rainbows and colors up the wazoo, not to mention an enormous amount of cross dressers strutting their stuff through the parade. It was a crazy afternoon filled with energy and no filter. Once the parade was done, we finally headed over to the palace where we spent the rest of the day touring various museums and gardens within the Nyphenburg grounds. Our brief stop on a bench turned into a century as I noticed Ruby sound asleep. I let her sleep for a little as I watched a bride and her groom take their wedding photos in front of the palace (we have honestly seen 4 brides take wedding photos in front of famous monuments). After we left, we decided to head back to the Marienplatz center and see what was going on for the Gay Pride Festival. Sure enough, it was jam packed with people and beer stands. Live music and a techno rave were crowding the streets, so we walked around and observed the festival as we ate some doeners (German sandwhich). We topped the night off with some ice cream and shopping and are now back in the hostel in travel mode for a new day in a new place.

- Sarah and Ruby

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