Monday, July 21, 2014

Praha: Shallow waters (Day 2)

Day number 2 in Prague has come to an end and I couldn't be more sad. Today we had a late start to the day since we had a late night on the town (my body is progressively getting in worse conditions from traveling- sickness is upon both of us!). But once we made it to the town square, we joined a walking tour which taught us the history of the city. Prague has proved to be so much more than a uniquely beautiful place- it is a blend between the new and the old- during Communist rule and after. We walked through the old Jewish ghettos and learned about Hitler's invasion, watched the famous clock shift gears at the hour strike, and saw Wenchester Square in its newest form after learning about the bombings and protests during Communist rule. We really got a taste of the real Prague and we both enjoyed the tour tremendously. It's still summer but here we are learning things- crazy, right? Something that was fun to learn was that Prague is the English name of the town, which is actually called Praha meaning shallow waters because the town was built around being the only area with shallow enough water for the bridge. So there is your fun fact of the day! Anyways, after returning from the tour, we walked around the town and met up with two 18-year old girls we met last night who are from Washigton and traveling through Europe as well. We all went out for dinner to an authentic restaurant and talked about our trips, etc. Once we left, it was pouring rain, and we decided to head in early for the night instead of making a hike up in the rain to the famous castle since we had already seen it lit up the night before. All in all, Prague has been exciting and we are happy to leave knowing we are filled with more knowledge and experience of the culture. 

-Sarah and Ruby 

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