Monday, July 28, 2014

Last Day in Roma

Ciao blog readers!
Today was a good day. Nothing too exciting, but a good day nonetheless. Forgive me if this post is a little dry. We have been on our feet nonstop for the past 12 hours, and I am beyond pooped. We decided to take two walking tours today: one that led to the Vatican and one that led the 
Colosseum. Both tours started by the Spanish steps, and both tours covered a lot of the same monuments as yesterday's tour. It got a bit repetitive, but at least it was free. The funny thing is that while the monuments were often repeats, the information for each one varied depending on who was leading the tour. Some facts completely contradicted ones that we heard earlier, and it became almost a game to see how many anomalies we spotted. The Vatican tour ended outside the Vatican, and Sarah and I decided to buy a ticket to explore it. When yesterday's tour guide told us that this was the worse time in the year to visit the Vatican, we thought he was being dramatic. Yeah, we were wrong. The Vatican was packed, and I mean PACKED. Sarah and I were herded from room to room like cattle, and we could barely breath in the stifling atmosphere. We tried to tour the area as fast as possible, but the I swear that place is just one huge maze. Like the maze in the 4th Harry Potter book, it seemed like there was no end in sight. Yeah, I just had a nerd moment. After we escaped... I mean exited...the Vatican, we had to book it back to the Spanish steps, once again, for our second tour. The Colosseum tour was pretty cool because we walked by the Roman Forum. The ancient structures looked epic, especially with the modern buildings standing in contrast with them. The tours were informational and all, but two in one day may have been a bit ambitious. We made it to the hotel and collapsed on the bed from exhaustion. Not gonna lie, Rome is not Sarah and I's favorite city. Sure the history behind it is amazing, but the enormous crowds, the suffocating heat, and the icky public transportation system has left a bad taste in our mouths. So, it's been real Rome, but tomorrow we are traveling to Barcelona, and beach day here we come! 

Love and miss you all!

Sarah and Ruby

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