Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bye-bye Barcelona!

Dear lovely blog readers,
If you want a little piece of heaven, then I suggest you go to Barcelona. The beach, the sun, and the city combine to make a delicious slice of perfection. We woke up today refreshed and ready to go. The best part about our youth hostel is that there is free breakfast... You have no idea how beautiful that is. Today was also the day we made some amazing friends! Our roommates are from Hungary, and they are fantastic. We decided to go to the beach together and soak up some sun (like Sarah and I needed any more... Picture a bright red tomato). At least this time, we came prepared with sunscreen. If you want the ultimate relaxation technique, then go to Barcelona, go to the beach, buy a cup of sliced pineapple, and watch the water. Where was this stress reliever during school? After we added another layer to our burns... I mean tans... We set out with our roommates to the FC Barcelona stadium. Sarah is the soccer fan, but don't get me wrong, I can appreciate a man in uniform. And there were plenty of pictures of them to look at. The Hungarian girls know some Spanish, and they had a blast teaching them to us. I guess they enjoyed hearing us butcher the accent. After we walked through the stadium, we realized how hungry we were. We ran into a supermarket and armed ourselves in order to battle the hunger. We made it back to the hostel and feasted on sandwiches, chips, Oreos, milk, chocolate, and melon. It was cheap, but it was perfect. We ended the night with our new friends, and I could not have pictured a better way to spend our last day in Barcelona!
Love and miss you all!

- Sarah and Ruby

Location:Carrer de la Pobla de Lillet,Barcelona,Spain

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