Friday, August 1, 2014

The Final Countdown

Sup loyal blog readers,
This will be the last post that you will see from us! This moment has to be the most bittersweet moment of our lives. We love it here with all our hearts, and the experiences we've had will always be dear to us, but the promise of our own showers, beds, pets, friends, and (let's not forget) family is incredibly exciting. All the times we were lost, tired, and frustrated were nothing in comparison to the amazing people we met, places we saw, and experiences we had. We spent months and months planning this trip, and we can hardly believe how quickly it passed. Today was our last day in Madrid and our last in Europe. We tried to be adventurous and take a day trip to Cordoba, but we can thank the railway workers that decided to go on strike for squashing that idea. I'm all for working rights and such, but really? They couldn't have held off until we left? Oh well. Instead of our day trip to Cordoba, we decided to take a day trip to Parque de Retiro: a beautiful park in Madrid. In the center there is a man-made pond, and the best part about that pond was that you could rent little boats to out on the water with. Sarah and I couldn't pass up the opportunity, and we eagerly hopped in. I made Sarah paddle at first and laughed at her efforts... Boy was that dumb, cause when it was my turn, I did way worse. You all know my lack of hand-eye-coordination. Enough said. After that, we pulled out our kindles, found a free patch of grass, and relaxed. We didn't realize that we would spend hours in that spot drinking in the sunshine and enjoying the light breeze. Sarah and I love one specific Spanish tradition: the siestas. We made it our goal to have one everyday. After our brief nap, we went out for our last dinner and had a traditional Spanish rice dish. Now, it's time to pack up and get ready for a long day of traveling tomorrow. USA here we come!
Love and miss you all!
See you soon!

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